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Very strange secrets and stories that I tell you through the words of their owners or their closest relatives.. because they know that the best way to vent about these secrets is to tell them to a stranger.. so I was the stranger who listened to them.. and it was impossible not to tell you those stories after they occupied my mind and confused them. My thoughts..and of course you are free to believe or disbelieve what you read. In the end, I say.. to everyone who shouted and vowed and threatened me to stop publishing this book.. I am in your hands
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Very strange secrets and stories that I tell you through the words of their owners or their closest relatives.. because they know that the best way to vent about these secrets is to tell them to a stranger.. so I was the stranger who listened to them.. and it was impossible not to tell you those stories after they occupied my mind and confused them. My thoughts..and of course you are free to believe or disbelieve what you read. In the end, I say.. to everyone who shouted and vowed and threatened me to stop publishing this book.. I am in your hands
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