MODEL: 9778200270
سر الغرفة 207 | أحمد خالد توفيق
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Stephen King says: In addition to burial stories, every horror writer should provide at least one story about haunted hotel rooms, because hotel rooms are scary places by nature. Imagine how many people slept in bed before you? How many of them were sick? How many of them were losing their minds? How many of them would have thought of reading a few last verses of the Bible in the bedside commode drawer before hanging themselves in the wardrobe next to the TV?
Hotel rooms are indeed terrifying places. And the scariest of them all is room 207..
In this room are gathering your worst fears that you've had even about yourself since you were a child.. In this room the barrier between reality and illusion vanishes...between legitimate fears and this room the barrier between past and future..between yourself and not peek through the keyhole..just turn the doorknob calmly and carefully.. And to enter room No. 207.
Hotel rooms are indeed terrifying places. And the scariest of them all is room 207..
In this room are gathering your worst fears that you've had even about yourself since you were a child.. In this room the barrier between reality and illusion vanishes...between legitimate fears and this room the barrier between past and future..between yourself and not peek through the keyhole..just turn the doorknob calmly and carefully.. And to enter room No. 207.
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Stephen King says: In addition to burial stories, every horror writer should provide at least one story about haunted hotel rooms, because hotel rooms are scary places by nature. Imagine how many people slept in bed before you? How many of them were sick? How many of them were losing their minds? How many of them would have thought of reading a few last verses of the Bible in the bedside commode drawer before hanging themselves in the wardrobe next to the TV?
Hotel rooms are indeed terrifying places. And the scariest of them all is room 207..
In this room are gathering your worst fears that you've had even about yourself since you were a child.. In this room the barrier between reality and illusion vanishes...between legitimate fears and this room the barrier between past and future..between yourself and not peek through the keyhole..just turn the doorknob calmly and carefully.. And to enter room No. 207.
Hotel rooms are indeed terrifying places. And the scariest of them all is room 207..
In this room are gathering your worst fears that you've had even about yourself since you were a child.. In this room the barrier between reality and illusion vanishes...between legitimate fears and this room the barrier between past and future..between yourself and not peek through the keyhole..just turn the doorknob calmly and carefully.. And to enter room No. 207.
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