Politics & Current Affairs Books
Browse our assortment of politics books and current affairs books if you're fascinated by keeping updated on current events and politics. We have a comprehensive selection of the best political books and publications that discuss diverse subjects ranging from national security to international politics. Experience politics like never before with a vast assortment of books that will definitely add to your political knowledge and background. Whether you're searching for a thorough overview of the political environment or a deep dive into a particular issue, find best-selling books featured in our collection by eminent authors along with lesser-known authors who have distinctive viewpoints. Stay current on the most important problems of the day by browsing our selection of books on politics and current events.
WILDFIRE BOOKSDeterring Armageddon - A Biography Of Nato - The Astonishingly Fine History Of The World's Most Succ | Peter AppsAED 85
ELLIOT & THOMPSONPrisoners Of Geography The Quiz Book - How Much Do You Really Know About The World? | Tim MarshallAED 99
PENGUIN BOOKS UKMyth Of American Idealism | Noam ChomskyAED 89
YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS UKHow States Think | John J. MearsheimerAED 165
BASIC BOOKS USAThe Case For Trump | Victor Davis HansonAED 85
SKYHORSE PUBLISHINGBodies Of Others - The New Authoritarians - Covid - 19 And The War Against The Human | Naomi WolfAED 79
AED 119
PENGUINLeadership | Henry KissingerAED 75
PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSEFlying Blind | Peter RobisonAED 75
VINTAGE UKThe World After Gaza | Pankaj MishraAED 109
YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS UKNato - From Cold War to Ukraine - A History of The World's Most Powerful Alliance | Sten RynningAED 149
AED 99
WILLIAM COLLINS PTY LTDThe Man Who Created The Middle East | Christopher Simon SykesAED 85
PROFILE BOOKS UKThe Race For Mukalla | Michael KnightsAED 145
VERSO UKThe Holocaust Industry - Reflections On The Exploitation Of Jewish Suffering | Norman G. FinkelsteinAED 85
BERRETT KOEHLER PUBLISHERS UKConfessions Of An Economic Hit Man - 3Rd Edition | John PerkinsAED 89
HACHETTE BOOK GROUP USAThe Situation Room | George StephanopoulosAED 94
AED 99
JOHN MURRAY PRESSRise And Kill First - The Secret History Of Israel's Targeted Assassinations | Ronen BergmanAED 99
ST MARTINS PRESS USAUnderground Empire | Henry FarrellAED 139
ATLANTIC BOOKS UKSome People Need Killing | Patricia EvangelistaAED 105
PENGUIN CLASSICS USAOn Violence | Hannah ArendtAED 45
EBURY PRESS UKDownfall | Mark GaleottiAED 95
AED 65
VERSO UKTen Myths About Israel | Ilan PappeAED 79
SIMON & SCHUSTER UKA Line in the Sand Britain France and the Struggle that Shaped the Middle East | James BarrAED 49
SIMON & SCHUSTER UKThe Wager | David GrannAED 119
BLOOMSBURY USAPalestine a Four Thousand Year History | Nur MasalhaAED 85
PROFILE BOOKS UKEmperor of Rome The Sunday Times Bestseller | Mary BeardAED 114AED 175
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS UKGaza an Inquest into its Martyrdom | Norman FinkelsteinAED 134
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS UKThe Palestinian-Israeli Conflict a Very Short Introduction | Martin BuntonAED 44
FARRAR STRAUS & GIROUX USAThe Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy | John J. MearsheimerAED 99
HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERSConflict The Evolution of Warfare From 1945 to Ukraine | David PetraeusAED 84
PROFILE BOOKS UKThe Hundred Years' War On Palestine- A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance | Khalidi RashidAED 69
JOHN MURRAY PRESSBeijing Rules | Bethany AllenAED 99
SIMON & SCHUSTER UKThe Future Of Geography | Tim MarshallAED 89
AED 65
MACMILLAN CHILDRENS BOOKS UKTomorrows People | Paul MorlandAED 65
PROFILE BOOKS UK25 Days to AdenAED 77AED 119
PAN MACMILLAN UKThe Fall of Boris Johnson | Sebastian PayneAED 71AED 109
BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN'SOur Biggest Experiment | Alice BellAED 45AED 69
ATLANTIC BOOKS UKSaving the Planet Without the Bullshit | Assaad RazzoukAED 64AED 99
BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN'STheres A War Going On But No One Can See It | Huib ModderkolkAED 65
ONEWORLD PUBLICATIONS UKWhat We Owe the Future | William MacaskillAED 71AED 109