Our online novelty store is here to keep boredom at bay. These unconventional novelty items will do the trick if you're looking for cool novelty gifts or want to keep your kids entertained. Browse through arts and crafts supplies, magic kits, novelty toys, piggy banks, and more.
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AED 129
AED 129
AED 129
AED 169
AED 129
AED 425
AED 129
AED 129
AED 399
AED 399
TAMAGOTCHIBandai Tamagotchi Plaid Digital PetAED 129
AED 129
SIMBRIXSimbrix Game On Craft KitsAED 109
AED 89
AED 95
AED 89
SIMBRIXSimbrix So Sweet Craft KitsAED 109
SHIMMER N SPARKLEShimmer N Sparkle Ultimate Bead Studio KitAED 99
KINETIC SANDKinetic Sand Beach Castle Playset Deluxe 25lbsAED 175
AED 99
AED 169
KINETIC SANDKinetic Sand Sand Factory Set 2lbsAED 169
AED 99
AED 189
SHIMMER N SPARKLEShimmer N Sparkle Bff! Friendship Bracelets KitAED 89
AED 79
SHIMMER N SPARKLEShimmer N Sparkle Mini Mania Beauty Charms KitAED 89
RAINBOCORNSRainbocorns Puppycorn Surprise Season 8 AssortedAED 79
AED 79
SHIMMER N SPARKLEShimmer N Sparkle Totally Trendy A To Z Jewelry KitAED 89
L.O.L SURPRISEL.O.L Surprise! O.M.G Hos Doll Lady DivaAED 159
L.O.L SURPRISEL.O.L Surprise! O.M.G Hos Doll Royal BeeAED 159
AED 89
KINETIC SANDKinetic Sand Ultimate Sandisfying SetAED 149
AED 89
AED 69
AED 69
SHIMMER N SPARKLEShimmer N Sparkle Abc Fashion Bead Bracelets KitAED 89
AED 129
AED 245
AED 315
AED 79
AED 315
AED 109
JURASSIC WORLDJurassic Park Captivz 30th Anniversary Mega EggAED 149
AED 35
AED 209
AED 99