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Frozen | Original Soundtrack
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- Frozen Heart - Cast - Frozen
- Do You Want to Build a Snowman? - Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn, Katie Lopez
- For the First Time in Forever - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
- Love Is An Open Door - Kristen Bell, Santino Fontana
- Let It Go - Idina Menzel
- Reindeer(S) Are Better Than People - Jonathan Groff
- In Summer - Josh Gad
- For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
- Fixer Upper - Maia Wilson, Cast - Frozen
- Let It Go - Demi Lovato
- Vuelie - Frode Fjellheim, Christophe Beck, Cantus
- Elsa and Anna
- The Trolls
- Coronation Day
- Heimr Arnadalr
- Winter's Waltz
- Sorcery
- Royal Pursuit
- Onward and Upward
- Wolves
- The North Mountain
- We Were So Close
- Marshmallow Attack!
- Conceal, Don't Feel
- Only An Act of True Love
- Summit Siege
- Return to Arendelle
- Treason
- Some People Are Worth Melting for
- Whiteout
- The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise) - Christophe Beck, Frode Fjellheim
- Epilogue
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- Frozen Heart - Cast - Frozen
- Do You Want to Build a Snowman? - Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn, Katie Lopez
- For the First Time in Forever - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
- Love Is An Open Door - Kristen Bell, Santino Fontana
- Let It Go - Idina Menzel
- Reindeer(S) Are Better Than People - Jonathan Groff
- In Summer - Josh Gad
- For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
- Fixer Upper - Maia Wilson, Cast - Frozen
- Let It Go - Demi Lovato
- Vuelie - Frode Fjellheim, Christophe Beck, Cantus
- Elsa and Anna
- The Trolls
- Coronation Day
- Heimr Arnadalr
- Winter's Waltz
- Sorcery
- Royal Pursuit
- Onward and Upward
- Wolves
- The North Mountain
- We Were So Close
- Marshmallow Attack!
- Conceal, Don't Feel
- Only An Act of True Love
- Summit Siege
- Return to Arendelle
- Treason
- Some People Are Worth Melting for
- Whiteout
- The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise) - Christophe Beck, Frode Fjellheim
- Epilogue
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