Subsonic Power Station for Nintendo Switch
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- Our "all-in-one" storage base is designed to combine practicality and decoration. Thanks to its numerous features, you can store and charge your Joy-Con while adding a fresh touch to your interior design. With the Power Station, you no longer have to search all over the house for your accessories, but you can enjoy your favorite console to the fullest.
- The Power Station for Switch allows you to store up to 6 Joy-Con and 8 game cartridges.
- Easily charge 2 Joy-Con on the console and 4 on the base station
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- Our "all-in-one" storage base is designed to combine practicality and decoration. Thanks to its numerous features, you can store and charge your Joy-Con while adding a fresh touch to your interior design. With the Power Station, you no longer have to search all over the house for your accessories, but you can enjoy your favorite console to the fullest.
- The Power Station for Switch allows you to store up to 6 Joy-Con and 8 game cartridges.
- Easily charge 2 Joy-Con on the console and 4 on the base station
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