Subsonic USB C XXL Charging Cable 3 Meters for PS5 Controller
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- Optimize your gaming experience with our 3-meter USB C cable, specially designed to meet the needs of the most demanding players. This versatile cable offers a convenient solution for playing and charging your PS5 Dual Sense controllers simultaneously. No need to worry about your controller's battery life during long gaming sessions anymore; this cable allows you to play comfortably at an optimal distance from your TV while keeping your controller charged
- Also compatible with other popular gaming controllers, including the Nintendo Switch Pro controller and the Xbox Series X controller
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- Optimize your gaming experience with our 3-meter USB C cable, specially designed to meet the needs of the most demanding players. This versatile cable offers a convenient solution for playing and charging your PS5 Dual Sense controllers simultaneously. No need to worry about your controller's battery life during long gaming sessions anymore; this cable allows you to play comfortably at an optimal distance from your TV while keeping your controller charged
- Also compatible with other popular gaming controllers, including the Nintendo Switch Pro controller and the Xbox Series X controller
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