Cassettes & Players
Take a trip down memory lane with these nostalgic cassette tapes and players, from our music collection online. From the latest pop and hip-hop hits, to classic rock and jazz titles, cassettes are rewinding back into the spotlight! So, turn back time with a cassette player that makes you relive the 80s and 90s, and start an iconic collection of cassette tapes from your favourite artists. If you're after something more contemporary, you'll love a cassette to MP3 converter that lets you play your music digitally on your laptop or even a CD! Rewind the clock with a cassette player and a collection of tapes today! While you lose yourself to music from the past, strum along or play the tunes on a guitar or piano from our selection of musical instruments.
AED 69
UNIVERSALDid You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Pink Colored Cassette) | Lana Del ReyAED 149
UNIVERSALDid You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Green Colored Cassette) | Lana Del ReyAED 179
UNIVERSALDid You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Raspberry Pink Colored Cassette) | Lana Del ReyAED 149
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AED 69
INDEPENDENTVultures 1 (Black Shell Colored Cassette) (Limited Edition) | Kanye West & Ty Dolla SignAED 149
TRAPSOUL/RCA RECORDSPost Human: Nex Gen (Pink Colored Cassette) | Bring Me The HorizonAED 75
TRAPSOUL/RCA RECORDSPost Human: Nex Gen (White Colored Cassette) | Bring Me The HorizonAED 75
AED 149
INDEPENDENTBewitched | LaufeyAED 75
AED 149
CUBE ENTERTAINMENTI Sway (Special Ver) (Assortment - Includes 1) | (G)I-DleAED 125
AED 69
AED 149
UNIVERSALDid You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Cream Colored Cassette) | Lana Del ReyAED 149
PARTISAN RECORDSX'S | Cigarettes After SexAED 79
AED 99
UNIVERSALThe Chronic (Limited Edition) | Dr. DreAED 149
AED 75
UNIVERSALAbba Gold (Limited Edition) | AbbaAED 69
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UNIVERSALHappier Than Ever | Billie EilishAED 69
REPUBLIC RECORDSSpeak Now (Taylor's Version) (Orchid Marbled Cassette) (Double Cassette) | Taylor SwiftAED 200
REPUBLIC RECORDSFearless (Taylor's Version) (Double Cassette) | Taylor SwiftAED 200
AED 69
UNIVERSALBroken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent - Alt Artwork (Blue Colored Cassette) | Lewis CapaldiAED 69
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RCA/LEGACYDirty Dancing | Original SoundtrackAED 89
UNIVERSALDid You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (White Colored Cassette) | Lana Del ReyAED 129
REPUBLIC RECORDS1989 (Taylor's Version) (Limited Colored Cassette) | Taylor SwiftAED 250
ONE LITTLE INDIANCigarettes After Sex Ep I | Cigarettes After SexAED 59
PERPETUAL NOVICEDesire I Want To Turn Into You | Caroline PolachekAED 85
JYP ENTERTAINMENTKill My Doubt (Cassette) (Random Version - Includes 1) | ItzyAED 89
PARTISAN RECORDSCigarettes After Sex | Cigarettes After SexAED 85
UNIVERSAL MUSICThe Show | Niall HoranAED 69
UNIVERSAL MUSICThat! Feels Good! (Pink Colored Cassette) | Jessie WareAED 69
UNIVERSAL MUSICThat! Feels Good! (Red Colored Cassette) | Jessie WareAED 69
INDEPENDENTAnd In The Darkness Hearts Aglow | Weyes BloodAED 85