Looking for the best synthesizers on the market? We have a wide selection of top-rated synthesizers from leading brands like Arturia and Yamaha. Whether you're a professional musician or a beginner dabbling in music, you'll find the perfect synthesizer to fit your needs and budget. From hybrid to digital, our synthesizers offer a wide range of sounds and features, including modulation, filters, and effects. Explore our musical instruments today and discover the endless possibilities of creating music with a synthesizer. Shop now and start making music you love!
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AED 10,395
AED 5,999
AED 9,999
AED 4,999
AED 5,249
AED 4,199
AED 7,855
AED 5,179
AED 9,999
AED 2,399
AED 2,399
AED 1,359
AED 2,299
AED 1,599
NOVATIONNovation Mininova Synthesizer BlueAED 1,569
ARTURIAArturia Hybrid SynthesizerAED 1,499