Morris Round Color Pen (Set Of 6)
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A set of automatic markers from the Korean brand "Morris" of 6 colors, each of which has its own unique, bewitching and bright aroma, will be loved by everyone - schoolchildren, office workers, creative people!
Markers 6 colors: yellow , orange , pink , green , blue , purple
- Marker type: permanent
- Thickness: 4 mm
- The "clean pocket" function is provided with a convenient click on the button, i.e. using push-button feed mechanism
- If necessary, it hides the tip in a special plastic "case" to prevent the rod from drying out.
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A set of automatic markers from the Korean brand "Morris" of 6 colors, each of which has its own unique, bewitching and bright aroma, will be loved by everyone - schoolchildren, office workers, creative people!
Markers 6 colors: yellow , orange , pink , green , blue , purple
- Marker type: permanent
- Thickness: 4 mm
- The "clean pocket" function is provided with a convenient click on the button, i.e. using push-button feed mechanism
- If necessary, it hides the tip in a special plastic "case" to prevent the rod from drying out.
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